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Penis Enlargement Tips

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Penis Enlargement Reality
Rather than beat around the bush, let's get this part out of the way; penis enlargement pills don't work, and any penis enlargement product may cause damage to you physically if used without consulting a physician. The best suggestion that we can make is to consult your physician, especially a urologist, before trying any technique for penis enlargement.
What Is Safe?
Using penis enhancers such as penis sleeves that go over the penis will not damage the penis if used properly. However, many other types of sex toys can safely help enhance sex beyond penis enhancers which we will review in this guide. We recommend using sex toys rather than penis enlargement techniques because most companies selling penis enlargement products make promises that are far from what they deliver, are not effective long-term, and have risks of permanent damage. There are many people making money off of men's fears of inadequacy. Please avoid overly-hyped, too good to be true products when looking for solutions.
How Important Is Penis Size?
As a society, we often send mixed messages to men about penis size. On the one hand, you have those who mock small penises or glorify larger ones. On the other hand, you have those who say things like, "it isn't the size, it's the motion of the ocean," while leaving little understanding of what specifically promotes an orgasm and how to be a good lover regardless of penis size.
Penis Size Concerns
An article in magazine Psychology Today conducted a poll of 1,500 readers and found that 71% of women thought that men overemphasized the importance of their penis size and shape. Those who believe that men are insecure or even egocentric to think about the size of their penis are not sensitive to the fact that it is so often brought up through various forms of media such as movies, shows, etc. Thus, it is no wonder why it may be of concern. However, as a sex toy retailer, we can confirm that most buyers of dildos are looking for something of average size.
What Is Average?
The average size penis length is 5.16" (13.1 cm) while the average circumference (around) is 4.59" (11.66 cm) or 1.46" (3.71 cm) in diameter (across).
The average width of a penis and dildo are very close to being the same. To better understand this measurement, consider the width (diameter) of a soda can when measured at the widest point of the body, which is 2.61" in diameter.
Penis Size Solutions
Let's explore some of the most common concerns and solutions surrounding penis size from the perspective of a sexual partner. For related information, you can also explore our Penis Enhancement Toys Guide.
Penis Feels Too Long
The width (diameter) or girth (circumference) is one of the most important aspects of comfort and fit because you do not always have to insert a penis all the way inside or use bumpers if it is too long. A bumper is typically made of silicone and is a doughnut-shaped ring that goes on the base of a penis or dildo to keep it from penetrating too deeply. Bumpers can be stacked to determine the desired insertable length. This is particularly important for vaginal sex as it keeps the penis from hitting the cervix, which can be painful.
Penis Feels Too Wide
If the penis feels too wide, you can end up with discomfort even when lubricant is amply applied. When this is the case, a partner can use dilators to help stretch vaginal or rectal tissue to more easily accommodate a well-endowed partner without causing tearing or irritation. A dilator set is two or more dildos ranging in small to large sizes to be inserted while providing mild stretching of the rectal or vaginal walls to keep them pliable and welcome penetration. We review how to use a dilator in detail through our helpful guide: Painful Vaginal Sex.

Penis Feels Too Short
If a penis feels too short, a couple of options may be helpful:
Sex Pillows
Using a sex pillow that allows for firm support during creative sexual positions can be beneficial to gaining deeper penetration. For more information on using sex pillows, please see our guide: Using Sex Pillows To Enhance Sex.
Penis Extenders
Another option are penis extenders. These are sex toys that go over a penis and can extend the length as well as the width.
Hollow dildos and strap-on dildos are alternative options that can be explored. These products are explored in great detail through our Sex Toys For Erectile Dysfunction Guide, as they are often used for men with ED.
Penis Feels Too Thin
If the penis feels too thin during insertion, a penis extender can also work at providing extra girth. Penis extenders come in models that completely cover the penis as well as those that partially cover it. For more information on them, please see our guide: How To Use Penis Extenders.
Female Orgasms
Most studies conclude that 70–80 percent of women require direct clitoral stimulation to orgasm, so it is pretty vital to women's sexuality. Thus, when fully understanding how to make a woman orgasm, penis size is not as important as one may think. All orgasms originate through the clitoris regardless of where the sexual stimulation occurs. The clitoris extends into the vagina so understanding how to stimulate it in multiple ways is vital.
There are a few guides that will help you better understand techniques:
- Clitoral & Vaginal Orgasm Guide
- The Importance Of The Clitoris & How To Stimulate It
- Find The G-Spot & Stimulate It
Cunnilingus Techniques
- How To Female Ejaculate
Male Orgasms
Below are several guides that can help you work on techniques for your male partner having great sex with you:
- Giving The Best Handjobs
- Anal Sex & Analingus
- How To Do Prostate Massage
- Fellatio: How To Give A Blowjob
Being A Good Lover
Penis size is far from being what makes a good lover. Scent (pheromones), chemistry, technique, emotional connection, and many other factors impact sexual satisfaction and desire. Penis size is simply one factor, and everyone has different preferences, so there is no standard expectation.
Penis Size Influences
The size of a penis doesn't have a relationship with anything else on a man's body. For example, a man with big feet does not necessarily have a huge penis. One study showed that at least 12% of men thought their penises were too small even though the medical diagnosis of a micropenis (under 3 inches in length when erect) only affects less than 1% (only 0.6 percent) of men.
Some studies have shown that penis size may not be entirely determined by genetics and may be heavily influenced by environmental factors such as diet, toxin exposure, and culture. In the case of toxin exposure from chemicals, one of the main concerns is endocrine disruption, linked to genital deformation in both sexes and other health problems. Toxins (toxicants) include but are not limited to parabens and phthalates. This is one of the reasons why we only sell body-safe sexual products that are paraben and phthalate-free.
Penis Workout Scams
The penis is not a muscle, and those promoting programs to work it out to enlarge it are often scamming people. The penis is made out of spongy tissue that relies on blood to fill the tissue to become erect. The heart and blood flow are one of the most essential contributors to getting a healthy erection. It is impossible to tell how large a man's penis is when he is not erect, as men can look identical in size when soft yet can be dramatically different in size when erect.
While pelvic floor muscle workouts are good for sexual healthy, they do not enlarge the penis. To learn more about this, see our guide: How To Do Kegel Exercises.
Do Penis Pills Work?
Penis enlargement pills do not work, which is why we refuse to sell them, and we warn consumers that they most likely will cause health problems. Below is just one of many examples of legal issues that these companies typically face.
Enzyte, a penis enlargement herbal supplement, was marketed on TV in ads featuring a grinning character known as Smilin' Bob. On March 20, 2004, a man filed a class-action lawsuit against them claiming deceptive sales practices. David Parker bought an eight-month supply of Enzyte for $400.00 in October 2001, trusting the company's published claims would enlarge his penis. David took Enzyte for eight months but experienced no increase.
In the lawsuit, David said that he gave up on the pills called Enzyte in June 2002 and invoked their double your money back guarantee. After many months and multiple unsuccessful attempts to collect, he received only a portion of what he paid.
Over 2 million men used Enzyte, and just in the state of Ohio, the Cincinnati Better Business Bureau received more than 1,600 complaints about the billing for Enzyte and their female libido enhancer called Avlimil.
In August 2008, Steve Warshak, President of the Enzyte was sentenced to 25 years in prison. His company and some members of his family were told to repay more than $500 million. The judge also sentenced Warshak's ailing, 75-year-old mother, Harriet Warshak, to two years in prison, but he agreed to let her remain free pending her appeal because of serious medical problems. The sentences culminate a federal investigation into Warshak and his company, Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, that lasted at least four years and resulted in criminal charges against about a dozen employees and associates. Most of the charges related to the sale of Enzyte.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
Penis enlargement surgery varies; in some cases, the ligaments in the penis are separated so it will hang further from the body. In other cases, fat is injected into the penis to increase girth. These procedures can be dangerous, and data is lacking on patient satisfaction.
Penis length can be achieved by increasing the division of the suspensory ligament inside the penis, which attaches it to the pubic arch. It allows the penis to drop, giving a few extra centimeters, but it dramatically impacts the angle of an erection. Typically the skin is pulled onto the shaft of the penis from the base, but this causes pubic hair to grow on the bottom of the penis since that skin has now replaced the penile skin. Other techniques inject fat from different parts of the body into the penis; however, this can cause an uneven and bumpy appearance.
Jelqing (milking the penis) focuses on increasing the amount of blood the penis can hold while in the erect state. Using one's hands, one hand is used as a clamp at the base of the shaft while the other hand goes up and down in a milking movement. Moving blood around in the penis puts pressure on certain spots and forces a number of cells to break open. Afterward, the tissue is supposed to thicken by replacing new cells and adding, even more, thus increasing penis size.
Most risks from jelqing techniques are usually created when men do too much too fast or too long, pushing their bodies further than they should. The body needs time to heal itself and produce more cells to keep the tissues expanding. Inches are not gained between days or hours, rather over months.
Other risks include bursting blood vessels, sometimes causing bleeding from the urethra (which can lead to infection and other complications), and possibly temporary erectile dysfunction. What most experts on this technique suggest to avoid this is sustained overall effort over weeks and even months.
While jelqing can work, it can also cause damage, and it is not something we recommend men do; rather, we simply provide education about it. Because there are such mixed reviews about benefits vs. potential damage, we advise that anyone considering it consult their physician (preferably a urologist) and adhere to the warnings of jelq methods in not pulling too hard or pushing the limits of health.
Penis Pumps
Penis pumps are best used by men with erectile dysfunction, not those looking for penis enlargement. Penis pumps only give a temporary and slight increase in size. Anyone telling you that they will permanently make you larger is typically promoting techniques that will cause long-term damage and looking to make money from your insecurities. The result can be a long, stretched-out penis that cannot get erect properly (erectile dysfunction).
Penis Extenders
Stretching devices consist of attaching a penis extender to the penis for set periods of time. The device exerts a constant tension on the penis. This is supposed to lengthen and widen the penis. The traction supposedly causes the cells in the penis to split and then reform and expand, thus increasing penis size. There are multiple medical reasons that physicians prescribe penis extenders, such as Peyronie's disease, so make sure that you check with your physician before using one to ensure that it is right for you as well as suggestions on how to best use it.
How Do Penis Extenders Work?
Men have been known to use a penis extender to aid in penile length and girth enhancement. The company that makes them provides a specially-designed ring made of plastic material placed around your penis and a plastic and silicone holder fastened around the penis head. Two metal bars are attached between the ring and the holder, applying an adjustable tension between 1.5 and 3.5 lbs. to stretch and add girth to the penis.
The penis comprises three structures: two large chambers on the top of the penis (the Corpus Cavernosum) and one smaller chamber on the bottom (the Corpus Spongiosum). These three chambers contain spaces between networks of tissue. When the penis is resting (or flaccid), the spaces are reduced, and the tissue is condensed. However, during erection, the blood flows into the chambers, causing the penis to be enlarged, hardened, and elevated. The amount of blood these chambers can hold determines the size of the penis.
Penis extenders, when used for enlargement, are supposed to expand the blood-holding capacity of the chambers. These chambers, in turn, can be increased and developed, which may result in gains in penile length and girth. The penis extender uses traction to assist the human body's natural ability to change and develop under physical influence. By exposing the penis to a constant, permanent stretch, the cells in the chambers begin to divide and multiply, thus increasing the tissue mass. This process allows the penis to hold more blood than it could before. As a result, enlargement may be noticed in both the length and width (girth) of the penis. Like any penis stretching, this may cause health risks, and we highly encourage you to review this option with your healthcare provider before using it.
In Closing
Penis size is not as important to sexual satisfaction as most think, and with helpful solutions, most challenges can be overcome. The most vital thing to remember is to put your health first. Doing anything that can cause permanent damage to the penis is not something we endorse.
We highly encourage you to speak with a physician, particularly a urologist, before you do anything to alter your penis. We understand that talking to a doctor about sexual concerns can feel uncomfortable so please make sure to see our helpful guide: How to Talk To Your Doctor About Sex.