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Sexual Compatibility Quiz

Stuffed animal racoon couple in fuzzy blanket surrounded by pink flowersAre You Sexually Compatible With Your Partner?

Participating in a sexual compatibility quiz can be quite beneficial. It can help open up honest communication about your sexual interests, desires, and boundaries. It also lets you recognize potential areas where you and your partner are not on the same page, allowing you to communicate about possible compromises. So, explore your sexual horizons and take this quiz to gauge your sexual compatibility with your partner.

Sexually Compatibility Quiz

For each question, choose the answer that best represents your thoughts and feelings about your sexual compatibility with your partner. Assign the appropriate point value for your answer based on the answer and then reference the answer key at the end of the quiz.

Do you find yourself thinking about other things during sex with your partner?

a. Rarely: 1 point 

b. Sometimes: 2 points  

c. Often: 3 points  

d. Almost always: 4 points 

Does your partner have a similar sex drive as you?

a. Yes, we both have a similar sex drive: 1 point 

b. No, my partner wants sex more/less frequently than I do: 2 points 

Do you find sex with your partner to be boring?

a. No, I find sex with my partner exciting: 1 point 

b. Sometimes, it can be monotonous: 2 points 

c. Yes, I find sex with my partner to be boring: 3 points

Do you feel comfortable expressing your desires in bed with your partner?

a. Yes, I feel comfortable expressing my desires: 1 point 

b. No, I feel embarrassed or judged by my partner when I express my desires: 2 points 

Does your kissing style match your partner's kissing style?

a. Yes, our kissing styles match: 1 point 

b. No, our kissing styles don't match: 2 points 

Do you feel the need to fake an orgasm during sex with your partner?

a. Never or Rarely: 1 point 

b. Sometimes: 2 points 

c. Often: 3 points

d. Almost always: 4 points 

Do you view sex as satisfying in your relationship?

a. I view sex as satisfying or mostly satisfying in my relationship: 1 point 

b. Sometimes it is: 2 points 

c. No, it is not satisfying to me: 3 points

Can you come to a compromise with your partner when it comes to your sex life?

a. Yes, we compromise or are so similar we do not have to: 1 point 

b. No, we struggle to come to a compromise on our differences: 2 points 

Are you participating in sexual acts that you're not fully comfortable with your partner?

a. I am comfortable in all of the sexual acts I do with my partner: 1 point 

b. There are some things I am not comfortable participating in sexually with my partner and do them anyway: 2 points 

Do you feel like your partner is respectful and understanding when it comes to your sexual desires?

a. Yes, my partner is respectful and understanding: 1 point 

b. No, my partner is not respectful or understanding when it comes to my sexual desires: 2 points 


0-10 points
You and your partner have excellent sexual compatibility. While there may be ways to make it even better, you are right where you want to be in your levels of satisfaction.

11-20 points
You and your partner have generally good sexual compatibility, but there may be some areas for improvement. You will want to communicate about sex with one another to ensure you have the sex life you deserve.

21-26 points
You and your partner have a more challenging sexual compatibility, and it is recommended that you have open and honest communication about your sexual connection and how you may wish to improve it. You may want to consider sex therapy.

What's Next?

Remember, sexual compatibility is not the only factor in a healthy and fulfilling relationship, and honest communication and mutual respect are key to building a strong and lasting bond. Explore some of our helpful guides for tips on how to improve your sex life.

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