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Serious Sex At Sea: A Love Story

Erotic Story Submitted By Bobjj123
Norbert Rhynquist was nearly thirty and had never been in a serious relationship with a woman. In fact, Norb hadn't been in any kind of relationship with a woman. Oh, he'd thought about it and desired it, but his time at the Maritime Academy and the subsequent years at sea had made any such a relationship difficult and well nigh impossible. While his on-duty hours were engrossing and demanding of his mind and body, his off-duty hours were often spent contemplating just such a relationship.
Even lacking in any practical experience, Norb knew exactly what he wanted from that relationship. First, there was intimacy, not the sex (well, that too) but the closeness and sharing. He wanted someone to share his innermost thoughts, and he wanted to share hers in return. He wanted female flesh to touch and caress someone he could adore. She wouldn't have to be a glamor queen or a model - in fact, he'd rather prefer she wasn't.
Physically, it was more important that she be healthy and filled with energy with a healthy zest for life. She could be a brunette, or perhaps a redhead or a blond that didn't really seem to matter. She could have creamy smooth or ruddy complexion. Large or small didn't matter either.
She absolutely must be of a pleasant nature, not easily disturbed by trivial matters and honest in her relationships. Norb was prepared to provide the same to the woman in the relationship. As he approached thirty, to the people around him, Norb was apparently a success he carried master's papers and was soon to get a ship of his own to command. Yes! It was evident to everyone except Norb, who felt the need for a female relationship.
Then, it all changed when Norb's new ship was being laid down in the builder's yard. The shipping company had assigned him to oversee the construction as the company's representative as he would soon be living ashore.
As Norb contemplated his next move, he realized that his ship was his home. His stateroom, or another like it, had been his home for many years. He was comfortable there aboard ship with the routine and the discipline! He seriously considered forgoing the new job to remain at sea. It was only somewhere deep within the inner self that kept him headed for a shore assignment.
In his new office in the shipyard, Norb commenced settling into the new routine. He soon had hired a new secretary and aide! It was a matter which he had given little thought to and soon regretted as he began to hear rumors that she was divorcing her husband and she was a mental case some said she was playing around! "No matter," Norb thought, "as long as she does her work, we'll get along."
Within a week, things in his new job became difficult. The ship superintendent had made nearly 30 unauthorized changes to the builder's plans changes that were directly related to the safety of the ship When called to explain the changes he reported that they had all been approved by the owner. There were lies and deceit rampant among the shipyard personnel.
Then, Norb went into his secretary's office and found her packing When he inquired as to why she was leaving; he found that the ship Superintendent had been sexually harassing her until she had responded with strong words. He had said that he would have her fired, so she was leaving. Norb responded, "Mrs. Evans, I'm the only one who can fire you around here. Now, What about that inert gas system change "It was at the close of the day that the secretary went to Norb and said, "Thanks! My name is Diedre, and I'd like it if you'd call me Dee." "Only if you'll call me Norb," he responded. Norb finally had a relationship with a woman.
Each day the work became more demanding, and each day Norb depended more heavily on Dee to keep up. Finally, matters developed to a head with the upper management from the shipyard requesting Norb's replacement due to their management's inability to work with him. Norb was replaced in the job by another aspiring prospective Captain. He was transferred to an office job in the company's engineering department, and Dee simply fired.
As he assumed his new duties, he missed his former aide. He realized the bond that had been forged under the duress of their former job a bond had been formed. Then, he began to wonder why he had never shown any interest socially; perhaps it was the rumors! He wished that he had gotten to know her better; then, it was too late. He had no idea where she had gone.
A year passed, then two. Norb remained in his dull, no chance for advancement job and hoped for a reprieve. Gradually, it became apparent to him that the company had no faith in his ability to lead and manage; he began to look elsewhere for a job at sea.
He began to drink heavily and engaged in several chance encounters with women; this brought him no joy! While the memory of the time when he was working in the shipyard waned, his thoughts of Dee didn't. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder Gradually, his interest in the woman that had disappeared increased, and his dreams and daydreams usually included her.
When the offer to command a ship of Nigerian registry, he accepted immediately and left his former employer with two weeks' notice. In Pusan, Korea, he joined his new ship, which would be starting sea trials in a month. His drinking stopped! He became a dedicated professional again, and his employers were pleased with his performance. As the other officers were hired, he became a manager, and soon the crew was taking shape some capable and some rather unfit for their jobs. It was Norb's job to mold them into a crew.
When the 3rd engineer reported, Norb was in his office ashore and busily engaged in some minor last-minute changes to the ship's design. When he turned to address his newest officer, he was stunned. His new 3rd engineer was also stunned. "Glad to be working for you again, Captain!" Dee spoke.
"Dee!, I'm glad to see you." Norb spoke, "I didn't ever expect to see you again." His joy was evident as he greeted her, and as she stuck out her hand to greet him, he did something he'd never done before. He embraced her. It felt good.
As the pair faced each other, they were both aware of the potential difficulties Dee spoke first, "So, Why is a rising young captain sailing under a Nigerian registry?" she asked. Norb responded, "Why is a new third engineer seeking employment on a ship of Nigerian registry half a world from home?" The ice was broken. The Captain and the third Engineer talked and enjoyed a good dinner Norb, over 30 years old, finally had a real relationship with a woman!
From that day onward, Norb and Dee were professional sailors - officers on a large tanker! During the initial phases of shakedown and preparations to enter service, there was little time for social amenities. The third engineer was busy with her array of safety equipment and machinery. Elsewhere, everywhere on the ship, Mates and Engineers familiarized themselves with the shipboard operation. None was more active than the Captain.
The ship was nearly six weeks in shakedown and preparations for sea before she left Korea for Kuala Lampur to take on cargo, thence, to South Africa with the cargo. The trip southerly was made out of ballast and meant two weeks of rest for the crew. Watches were routine, and the seas mostly clear Norb began to think of his third engineer. She was now more beautiful than he remembered. She was affecting him. Her began to want to get intimate with her.
It was the second or third afternoon out of Korea as Norb relaxed in his stateroom when Dee appeared at his door. "Captain, the number two fire and flushing pump is out of commission. It will require two days to fix it. We can still operate on the number one flushing pump, and the main fire pump can be cross-connected as needed." the engineer reported.
"Come in," the Captain said, and as the engineer stepped into his room, continued, "How do you like your job so far?" Then, the professionalism waned, and the social aspects of their relationship took precedence.
Norb listened as Dee told her life history. She had gone to sea early in life on a Great Lakes vessel as a fireman/oiler. She had met and married a young Engineer, and it hadn't worked out - while Dee never spoke openly of her marriage with bitterness, it was evident in her manner! She had left the job for a position in the shipyard and was hit upon by several of the yard management; then, transferred and finally evolved to be Norb's aide/secretary! Then, she'd been fired and went on to a position on a large refer ship where she studied for and passed the test for the third engineer When the refer went into the shipyard for an extensive overhaul, the crew had been laid off, and she found her present job.
Then, Norb told his story As they talked, Dee saw deep into Norb's blue eyes. She saw things in those eyes that told her much of the man. She saw his loneliness and his need for someone. She saw his gentle, caring, sensitive nature, and knew she wanted to cater to those needs.
Even as their eyes met, Norb was gleaning information from Dee's eyes. She had been hurt in past relationships, and her anxiety showed.
Suddenly, Norb felt it more powerful than a locomotive! More demanding than anything he could ever remember. Always before, it had been late at night or as the result of manual stimulation, but this time he was horny! He was horny, and the woman he wanted was Dee.
This was not how Norb had planned, he had hoped to gradually develop a friendship, then, into a more intimate relationship and maybe, in a year or two, sex. Dee was his employee, and there was the professional relationship to be considered.
When the bridge telephone rang, Norb took the call and said, "I'm needed on the Bridge." The problem on the bridge was a minor one, easily handled by the mate on watch, but Norb needed time to think Dee went back to her quarters.
Norb spent the evening on some paperwork; albeit, his mind lay on his 3rd engineer. He took his dinner in his cabin and retired early only to find sleep elusive thoughts of Dee kept returning.
It was nearly 0100 hours when the telephone range in the 3rd engineer's quarters and Dee, just returned from a turn at watch, answered. "Dee, can you come to my stateroom now?" Norb asked.
A few minutes later, Dee stood before her Captain, and Norb said, "I've got a problem I'm no good at these matters You see, I've developed this thing about you - I think you could call it a crush or something "Eventually, Dee smiled and said, "Why Norb, I'm not surprised! You see, I feel the same way, and this afternoon I left your cabin knowing we had to talk." As she spoke, she touched Norb's arm.
Norb was lost in a sea of confusion. His mind was mush. "It must have been her touch," he thought, and he responded by looking into her eyes where he saw the feeble glow of womanly passion. It was Norb's first real insight into a woman, and he was filled with awe and wonder!
For Dee, the eyes showed her a man filled with wants and desires; his mind trying to understand what he was seeing; his body trying to impel him into some unknown realm which he feared. She studied his eyes carefully, and her womanly intuition told her the story. She moved closer and engaged Norb in a light embrace and kissed him gently on the cheek - the was she might greet a relative! "We've got a lot of time," she said, "Let's just be friends for a while."
Norb's eyes softened as he heard her words, and Dee saw it in his eyes - he was no longer confused, and he understood what was happening. As she continued to gaze into his inner being, she saw the glowing embers of his passion, waiting to be kindled when the time was right.
As she gazed, she hoped that Norb wouldn't see her feelings; it was too soon to speak of love.
Then, Norb, the Captain, said seriously to Dee, the 3rd engineer, 'Where do we go from here?"
Again, their eyes met, and a bond was formed though not a word was spoken. The Captain, Norb, was fraternizing with his crew, Dee, and there were company rules, "Or were there any rules?" Norb didn't know.! Similarly, Dee was thinking, "He's the Captain, and I'm just a junior officer. What's going to happen to my job?"
They talked all around the basic question neither chose to broach the subject. Instead, they talked light talk as friends! Then, scarcely an hour later, Dee returned to her cabin. For the rest of the trip, Dee and Norb were best friends and frequently talked even as each maintained their professional position on the ship. Each slept restlessly if at all, tense, and their thoughts were on each other even as they denied to themselves their growing lust for each.
Then, on arrival at the port of East London, the ship was moored to the fuel dock, and off-loading begun. Both the Captain and his 3rd engineer were free to visit the small city. When Norb called Dee and suggested they go sightseeing together, she quickly accepted, and they were soon off on a new adventure.
Now, away from the ship, they could relax and allow their bonding to grow and develop free of the problems on the ship. When She felt Norb's arm around her in the taxi, she moved closer to him and took his hand. When she felt Norb's hand lightly caressing her arm, she move to permit him better access. When Dee's other hand dropped across her lap, she unconsciously placed the palm of her hand on Norb's thigh. It was comfortable, and they enjoyed each other, not realizing the storm it was about to create.
By the time the taxi had reached the downtown area, the smoldering embers of passion that had remained unkindled since that night on the ship had begun to burn brightly, and unchecked could only lead to a roaring inferno of needs that only the other could fulfill.
A few minutes later, walking the shopping street with Dee, Norb was on fire with conflicting emotions and unbridled lust Even as the fires consumed him, he was unsure what was happening. He wanted Dee; he wanted her now! He wanted all of her heart, mind, and soul. There was no yesterday; there'd be no tomorrow! Only now!
Beside him, Dee felt his attention as keenly as he did himself. She too burned with the fires of passion and was consumed by them. She wanted only to be intimate with the man whose attentions she had to know all of him.
Then, as they walked past a dark entryway, free from observation, Norb nudged Dee into the shadows and kissed her - long and hard. Their body's ground together as their tongues danced to some crazy primordial rhythm. Dee, passive momentarily, grasped Norb and pulled him into a tight embrace. She felt the lump that was his manhood under several layers of clothing "Quick! Find us a room. I want to be with you." she spoke.
Norb had no other consideration as they hurried the two city blocks to the Adler Hotel, booked a room, and rushed inside. As the door slammed shut, the two lovers were shedding clothes, kissing, caressing, fondling. There was only the moment and the passion Dee wasn't sure when she lost her bra and panties, she was only aware of Norb's bared manhood against her belly.
Somewhere deep in his mind, Norb knew he was rushing and that he must slow down. Beside him, beneath him, on top of him, Dee had no intention of slowing as her body had been preparing for the imminent moment since that night in the Captain's cabin weeks ago. Now, she would not be denied.
They were on the bed. Neither was sure just how they got there! Dee rolled on to her back and dragged Norb over her and between her knees. Then, as Norb realized what was happening, he cooperated to make all preparations for imminent entry into her waiting vagina.
He acted not rationally, but rather as an animal as he positioned his manhood at her entrance and drove it home to its fullest penetration like a bull might take a heifer. For Dee, it was neither pleasant nor painful! That is until he had achieved full penetration! She raised her butt off the bed and locked her ankles behind his back as she rose up to meet him.
The moment when the exquisite pleasure of good sex began to envelop them came a few seconds later as they lay fully connected and adjusted to their positions. Norb moved slightly, and Dee responded as they experimented. Then with familiarity came more rapid movements and the reciprocating motions as Norb drove his piston into the waiting cylinder. Soon the motions became violent as each reached for new heights of passion. Their eyes reflected only lust now. Too soon, Norb began to feel his balls tighten, and his seed rise up. "Not yet!" he thought silently and adjusted his movement as he silently counted imaginary sheet in an attempt to hold back the inevitable Even as he fought it, the end came without any warning there wasn't time to warn Dee, as he fired his spurts into Dee's waiting pussy.
Dee, beneath him and striving for her own culmination, was driving herself upwards, on to her lover with all her strength. She had been fucked before but never like this. She felt inadequate at first; then, powerful as she met Norb's lunges with equal violence. Then, she sensed Norb's imminent culmination and felt panic as she reached out for her own.
When she felt the spurts of hot semen enter her belly, her frustration mounted until just at the moment Norb completed his discharge, when she felt her own release sudden! Powerful! All-encompassing!
Then, it was over, and only the afterglow remained. Their two bodies lay intertwined as they made intimate talk and caressed each other. At first, it was just them lost in their own time and space lock - warm and cozy! Then, as the world forced its way into them, they began to face the problems created by their actions.
They agreed that they still had five hours before Norb had to return and get the ship underway. During that time, they would remain in the hotel, order food in, and make love. After that, they would face the problems.
The next day, back aboard ship each of the lovers returned to their professional routine. It was mid-afternoon when Norb made contact with the ship's owners and explained his personal life situation. They replied simply that it didn't matter to them as long as the ship was operated without loss of efficiency. They even authorized him to make provisions for altering his cabin to install a queen sized bed and an extra bureau.
The installation was begun immediately as Dee slept in the Captain's quarters but still maintained her own cabin for clothes and personal belongings. The new furniture was ordered and a job order issued to perform the installation at their port call in the Virgin Islands - nearly four weeks hence. In the meantime, the two lovers met twice daily when ship's routine permitted and made love.
Often, when the time was short, they prided themselves on having successful "quickies" in either of their cabins as was most convenient! Dee amazed herself at having reached her peak in under two minutes during one early morning tryst.
When the ship reached the Virgin Islands, it commenced off-loading it's cargo, but unlike many terminals, the process was slow, and the ship would be tied up to a wharf for several days. For the ship's crew, it was a busy time as they performed a number of tasks to remedy design faults in the ship's construction. Handrails were revised, and certain standing rigging changes were made. The Captains Cabin was completely redecorated, complete with pictures on the bulkheads and carpet on the deck. It was repainted in soft paste shades as Norb realized the gift that the owners had bestowed. The night before the ship was to depart, en route Boston, Dee moved her things into the new quarters.
That night was a night of passion, such as they had not experienced before. There was no wild, exciting orgy of flailing bodies and reckless emotions; rather, it was a long evening of foreplay - intimate conversation, touching, and caressing. It was unhurried lust as can only be experienced by experienced lovers. They exchanged intimate conversation as Dee sat at the desk and attempted to study for her professional advancement. Norb helped her often as he copped a gentle feel while looking over her shoulder. It was nearly midnight when Dee went to the head to prepare for bed.
Once in bed, the lovers made contact, and moments later, they were locked in a lover's embrace. It wasn't supposed to happen that way. They had decided to make it long and slow. Six minutes later, they lay in each other's arms, sated and ready for sleep. "Marry me?" Norb said, "Thought you'd never ask." she replied, "Of course I will."