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Do Your Social Media Posts Predict A Breakup?

Dr. Lisa Lawless

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Cute finger people pulling on a ropeWhat Your Social Media Posts Say About Your Relationship

Can you determine if a breakup is coming by analyzing the social media posts of couples? Yes! As reported in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," scientists have found that they can predict when a couple will break up by analyzing posts couples make up to three months before they break up.

The University of Vermont analyzed people going through a breakup by looking at specific patterns in the language used in their posts. For example, the researchers found that people who used more negative words and emotions in their posts were more likely to be going through a breakup. In addition, they found that people who talked more about their own personal problems and less about their relationship were more likely to break up. This can be seen in someone mostly posting things using "I" instead of "we" when talking about their lives.

Understanding these language patterns could be used to identify couples at risk of breaking up, allowing them to get the help and support they need to try and save their relationship.

10 Things You Can Do To Avoid A Breakup

Here are 10 things you can do if you are concerned that you and your partner are on the verge of a breakup.

  • Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and needs during an appropriate time and place.

  • Try to understand your partner's perspective and find common ground. You can use mirroring techniques by rephrasing what they just said to you to show them that you know what they are communicating and allow them to correct you if you are not.

  • Be willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the relationship's sake if you feel it will be healthy for you to do so.

  • Seek help from a therapist or counselor if you have difficulty resolving conflicts or working through relationship issues.

  • Try to spend some quality time together and make an effort to keep the romance and connection alive in your relationship.

  • Make efforts to resolve conflicts and issues in a healthy and constructive way rather than letting them fester or escalate into major problems.

  • Show appreciation toward your partner and make sure they feel loved and valued.

  • Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, and encourage your partner to do the same from a place of genuine love and compassion.

  • Seek outside support and guidance from helpful friends, family, or a support group if you struggle in your relationship.

  • Keep in mind that all relationships have ups and downs, and try to keep things in perspective. See yourself as a team, try to work through challenges together, and focus on the positive aspects of your relationship.

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