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Menstrual Cups & Discs: The Definitive Guide

Dr. Lisa Lawless

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

menstrual cups, tampons and flowers

What Is A Menstrual Cup or Period Cup?

A menstrual cup or period cup is a small, bell-shaped cup made of silicone, TPE, or rubber (medical-grade), which is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood.

Diagram Of Menstrual Cup Inside Vagina

Unlike period products such as disposable tampons or pads, which contribute to waste and pollution, menstrual cups are reusable and can last for years with proper care. They come in different sizes and shapes and provide a discreet and odor-free option for those who prefer not to use pads or tampons.

pad, tampons, menstrual cup

When Were Menstrual Cups Invented?

It was during the 1930s that Leona Chalmers, a savvy entrepreneur, and menstrual hygiene pioneer, patented the first commercial menstrual cup. With her keen eye for innovation and unwavering commitment to women's health, she set the stage for a new era of menstrual care.

Menstrual cup were not very popular when they were first invented. There was not widespread acceptance due to religious and cultural taboos about touching one's own genitals, and coming into contact with menstrual blood.

Why People Use Period Cups?

Period cups are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional menstrual products and can be a real money saver over time. One of the biggest concerns people have about using them is discomfort or messiness. But with the proper techniques and practice, using a period cup can actually be a more comfortable and cleaner experience than traditional period products and safer than period underwear.

Sustainability: Menstrual cups are reusable and designed to last for years, making them a great choice for those who want to reduce their environmental impact.

Cost-Effective: Over the long term, menstrual cups are much more cost effective than traditional menstrual products like pads and tampons. While the upfront cost may be higher, long-term savings are significant and can help people save money over time.

Convenient: Menstrual cups are incredibly convenient, offering up to 12 hours of protection without frequent changes or restroom trips. This is especially beneficial for people with busy lifestyles or for those who are constantly on the go.

Healthy: Menstrual cups are made from medical-grade silicone or rubber, which is safe and non-toxic, making them a healthier choice. They can prevent rashes and irritation for those who want to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals.

Comfort: Menstrual cups are designed to fit comfortably without strings or bulky pads. This makes them an ideal choice for those who want to maintain an active lifestyle without the fear of leakage or discomfort.

Reasons People Don't Use Menstrual Cups

While menstrual cups are great for many reasons, they are not for everyone. The top four reasons people may worry about using them are:

  1. Touching a menstrual cup and coming into contact with menstrual blood can be a bit unsettling for some.

  2. Fear of a messy situation and the work of cleaning.

  3. Fears around insertion and removal.

  4. Mobility issues due to disabilities or being plus-sized.

    What To Consider When Selecting A Menstrual Cup Size

    Is there a standard sizing guide? Ha! Of course not. That would be too easy. This should not be surprising in how the world markets things for women. Try finding a consistent-sized pair of women's jeans, and you will know what I am talking about. One comparison of period cups in just small sizes found diameters ranging from 39 mm to almost 49 mm across brands. 

    In addition, it's important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach because everyone's body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. So, if you're curious about period cups, don't hesitate to ask questions and try different options.

    The most important thing is to find a cup that fits securely inside you. Your cup size will depend on your age, whether or not you've given birth and overall comfort level.

    And let's not forget about the shape; some cups have a rounder base, while others are more tapered. It's like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but we're talking about menstrual cups instead of beds.

    different menstrual cup sizes

    Factors that will determine the right menstrual cup for you:

    • Age. Some brands like to consider age when determining cup size. Smaller sizes usually work well for folks 30 and under, while larger sizes tend to be better for those over 30. There are even cups made specifically for teens.
    • Birth History. If you've had a vaginal birth or had a full-term pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles might be a bit weaker. In this case, a larger cup can provide more security. On the other hand, if you haven't had a vaginal birth (had a baby or had a c-section), a smaller cup is typically recommended.
    • Cup Capacity. Consider a cup with a higher capacity if you have a heavy flow. Otherwise, capacity is a minor factor.
    • Cup Diameter. Cup sizes are often based on diameter. Generally, smaller cups have a smaller diameter, while larger cups have a larger diameter. Consider your age and birth history when choosing a suitable diameter.
    • Cup Length. If a cup is too long for your vaginal canal, it won't work well and might be uncomfortable. Use the cervix-height-measuring method below to figure out the best length for you.
    • Determining Cervix Height. Your cervix height can affect how well a cup fits inside you. A higher cervix means you might need a longer cup, while a lower cervix could indicate a shorter cup is more comfortable.
      You will need to locate your cervix height with your finger and then measure how far your finger has to go inside. To do this, guide your longest finger slowly into your vagina (it is best to use a lubricant).
      Feel for a round, raised circle with a dimple in the middle; it's most likely at the top of the front vaginal wall (closer to your belly button than toward your back). Once you feel it, note where the finger is and measure what is inside and how far up the cervix is located. This will provide you with your cervix height number.
    • Fitness Level. Exercise can help keep your pelvic floor muscles tight, so you might not need a larger cup if you're active. Additionally, a stiffer cup works better for more active days.
    • Menstrual Flow. Consider your flow when choosing a cup size. A lighter flow usually means a smaller cup is appropriate, while a heavier one might call for a larger one.
    • Brands & Sizing. Most brands have a comprehensive size guide with recommendations based on the factors mentioned. For example, most menstrual cup companies have a model 1 for light to moderate flow or a low cervix and model 2 for moderate to heavy flow and have had a vaginal delivery. Others have three or four sizes, with the smallest being for those new to having a period.

    Finding the perfect fit may take a little trial and error, but with a sense of humor and a willingness to experiment, you'll be a menstrual cup pro in no time. And who knows, you might even look forward to that time of the month. Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but you get the idea.

    Why Is Choosing The Correct Size Important?

    While some risks associated with incorrect sizing are minor, such as discomfort and leakage, some could present problems, so let's review what those can be:

    • Using a cup that's too small could lead to suctioning onto the cervix, causing pain or even prolapse upon removal.
    • Conversely, if the cup is too big, it can obstruct urine flow by putting pressure on the tissues around the vagina.

    With the complexity of an individual's anatomy and possible issues, it's essential to determine the correct size and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

    Finding the perfect menstrual cup can be a challenge, with each person's body being unique, but despite the challenges, the benefits of using a menstrual cup make it a worthwhile pursuit. Don't throw in the towel too early; with a little effort, you'll be more likely to find the perfect match for your body.

    Menstrual Cup Base Types

    There are various types of bases or stems available on menstrual cups. These are based on how high one's cervix is located, as well as if one needs a more extended base to grasp if they have mobility issues, disabilities, or are plus-sized.

    Menstrual Base Types Diagram

    The Ring is also a popular option that offers a more secure grip during removal but may require more time and attention to clean.

    The Flat or Basic offers easy removal and insertion due to its lack of protrusion.

    The Ball can offer more grip and control during removal but may cause discomfort for some individuals.

    The Stem is the longest base and can offer additional grip and control during removal. These are available in different lengths. It is ideal for those with a high cervix or tilted cervix. For some people, as with the ball or ring base, it may cause discomfort.

    Menstrual Cups Vs. Menstrual Discs

    Menstrual Disc vs. Menstrual Cup Diagram

    Key differences between menstrual cups and discs:

    1. The difference between a menstrual cup and a disc is that a menstrual cup is a deeper design that can hold more menstrual blood, rests below the cervix, and extends into the vaginal canal. A menstrual disc rests further back into the vaginal fornix, where your vaginal canal meets the cervix and has a more shallow design.

    2. While both cups and discs can handle heavy flows, the shallow design of menstrual discs means they need to be changed more frequently than cups.

    3. If you're someone who experiences menstrual pain and cramping, menstrual discs may not necessarily ease the discomfort. However, they are often more comfortable than tampons.

    4. Some menstrual discs are reusable, which is not only good for the environment but also good for your wallet.

    5. As for safety, both menstrual cups and discs have a low risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) if you practice proper hygiene and clean them regularly.

    6. When it comes to removal, menstrual discs are no more challenging than cups, but they don't have a string or loop to help you out. So, use the same method for removing a cup, and you'll be good to go.

    7. Menstrual discs are desirable because they feel lighter and less noticeable, they allow for penetrative sex, and they can handle heavy flow periods.

    8. You can sleep with a menstrual cup in and they last longer than tampons and pads.

      Considerations For Beginners

      • If you have an IUD, talk to your OBGYN first. They are known to increase the likelihood of them being dislodged.
      • On your first day wearing one, you may want to wear black underwear or period underwear as you may not have gotten the placement down yet and may have some spotting.
      • If you can feel the cup (even slightly), it's not inserted correctly, so try again. It will leak if you don't have it in its proper place.
      • If you need defecate (poop), you may wish to take it out or use your fingers to keep it inserted as it may slip out, and no one wants to lose a cup, especially in a public toilet!
      • Keep a packet of pads or tampons in reserve. Just in case you need them during your experimental stage.
      • If your menstrual cup consistently leaks, it most likely doesn’t fit; you are putting it in incorrectly or not emptying it frequently enough. The most common reason of these three reasons is overflow.

      How To Insert A Menstrual Cup

      Below are the top 10 menstrual cup folds that'll have you cup-confident in no time! From the 'C' fold to the 'Labia' fold, we've got you covered with easy-to-follow instructions that'll make your period cup game strong.

      How To Insert A Menstrual Cup DiagramHow To Insert A Menstrual Cup DiagramHow To Insert A Menstrual Cup DiagramHow To Insert A Menstrual Cup Diagram

      Pro Tips

      • Lubricating or wetting your cup before inserting it often makes the process easier and more comfortable.
      • When it comes to positioning, try the squatting position, or you can lie on your back with your knees bent in the 'Happy Baby pose' and take a deep breath. However, most insert it after putting one leg up on the toilet seat or sitting on the toilet.
      • When you insert your cup, run your finger around it to ensure that it has wrapped entirely around your cervix. It won't catch anything if it doesn't cover your cervix. If not, pull out and reinsert.

      Happy Baby Pose For Inserting A Menstrual Cup

      I know it can be daunting at first, so let's take a deep breath and dive in, take your time, and remember practice makes perfect.

      When inserting menstrual cups or discs, it's essential to remember the angle of insertion matters. This may seem like a simple concept, but the reality is that inserting one at the wrong angle can lead to frustration, discomfort, and even injury.

      Start by tilting your hand at a 45-degree angle rather than attempting to insert the object straight upwards. This will give you greater control and precision for smooth and effortless insertion.

      hand showing how to fold a menstrual cup

      Eleven Ways To Fold Your Menstrual Cup

      1) C & U Fold

      Let's start with the C, also known as a U, fold. Get down low, squat on the floor, or prop a foot up on the toilet seat or bathtub edge. Squatting helps to shorten the vaginal canal, making it easier to reach. Push the ends of the cup together and then fold it to make a C or U shape. Find your comfort zone, and let the cup ease into the vaginal canal. And when it's time to remove the cup, remember to breathe, relax, and take your time.

      C or U Shape Fold For Menstrual Cup

      2) E Fold

      Next up is the 'E' fold. Pinch down the right side of the cup so the lips touch, then press the left side towards the right to form a T-shape. Bring the sides of the T down around the pinched right side, and voila, an E shape.

      c fold, e fold, s fold menstrual cup diagram

      3) S Fold

      The S fold is an easy one, push the lips of the cup together with your thumb and index finger, and slowly push one side up and the other down. Press them together to form an 'S' shape.

      menstrual cup s fold

      4) Punchdown Or Shell Fold

      The Punchdown fold is also known as a Shell fold. Press the right side down, so it is curling over into the cup. Squeeze the cup together and insert it with the left side that is not folded down.

      5) Seven Fold

      Take the right side, flip it down, and press it against the cup to make the number 7 on the side. Insert with the left side first.

      6) Diamond Fold

      Fold your cup on half lengthwise, so it is flat, then take the front lip and pull it down toward the base, making an oval shape. Press down on the left and right sides, which will make a diamond shape. Insert with the top tip of the diamond shape. If you have difficulty getting it in, you can fold it in half to make a half-diamond shape.

      shell, diamond, 7 fold menstrual cup diagrams

      7) Heart Fold

      Flatten the menstrual cup and flip the front center into the cup, and fold.

      Heart Shaped fold for Menstrual Cup

      8) Triangle Fold

      Much like the 7 fold, take the right side of the cup and bend it down to the base to make the shape of a triangle. It is a tighter fold than the 7 fold, allowing insertion more easily.

      9) The Origami Fold

      Press the front of the cup slightly, folding it over into the cup, and then take the right corner and swing the lip of the cup to the left base of the cup, making a rose-like shape and it is ready to insert.

      origami fold triangle fold menstrual cup diagram

      10) Double Seven Or Tulip Fold

      Fold the cup in half so the ends touch and it is flattened; bring down the right corner about halfway, then turn the cup around and bring the left corner down to the same position. You should have a tulip shape.

      11) Labia Fold

      Pinch down the top left side of the cup so the lips touch, rotate the cup sideways, and create an indentation in the base of the cup. Fold the edges together, and you'll have a smaller fold inside the larger fold.

      After Insertion

      The menstrual cup should pop open, but if it doesn't, don't panic! Just turn that baby by the base a few times and give the bottom a little feel. Once you feel no folds, you're good to go, and the best part? You'll forget it's even there.

      Diagram of Menstrual Cup Positioning In VaginaHow Do You Know When Your Period Cup Is Full?

      As a menstrual cup begins to fill up, you may experience a sensation of heaviness or pulling because your pelvic floor muscles are getting tired from holding it in place while it is full. In addition, you may feel a bubbling sensation. These are both clear signs that it's time to empty the cup.

      Menstrual cup full diagramIt's important to note that the amount of blood a menstrual cup can hold varies greatly depending on the size and brand of the cup, as well as your flow. Generally, most menstrual cups can hold two to eight times more than a tampon. However, checking the cup every 3-4 hours on a heavy flow day is ideal to see how much blood has accumulated and whether it needs to be emptied.

      The only way to know for certain when your period cup is full is to remove the cup and check the blood level inside. Based on how long it took to reach that level, you can gauge how often you need to take it out and empty it.

      How To Remove A Menstrual Cup

      Removing a menstrual cup can be a breeze once you get the hang of it. Remember to take a deep breath before you begin as panic and anxiety can make the process seem much more difficult.

      When you remove it while on the toilet you can immediately dump the blood. You'll have to walk to the sink to wash the cup, but it's similar to taking out a tampon. Having a bidet at home can make the process much easier, but it's optional.

      Pro Tips

      • Taking it out in the shower can be one of the easiest ways to take out a menstrual cup, as the water washes away all the blood. You can wash your cup and put it back in so there are no blood stains on your floor or towels when you get out.
      • Urinating beforehand can help because it naturally moves the cup closer to the vaginal opening.

      Step-By-Step Removal

      Depending on your flow, you might need to empty your cup 2-4 times daily. So, remember to give your cup a little TLC and clean it properly before re-inserting it.

      Wash your hands to avoid any unwanted bacteria.

      1. Sit on the toilet with your legs open.

      2. Bear down like you're trying to urinate (pee).

      3. Take a deep breath, and try to relax your muscles. It may be slippery; tension will only make it more challenging to grab on to it.

      4. Your vagina has a length of two to four inches. So, use two fingers to feel around for the cord or tip of the menstrual cup. Once you've got a grip, pinch and pull.

      5. Once you have a hold on it, wiggle it down gently, there will be some resistance, which is expected as the cup creates a seal against the vaginal walls to stay in place. It's like a little suction cup, so it will stay in when you want it to.

      6. When the base of the cup is outside the vaginal opening, push your index finger into the side of the cup to break the seal. This will allow the cup to be removed easily. The first time might be a little awkward, but it is easy to get used to doing it.

        If Your Menstrual Cup Gets Stuck

        Before you begin to worry, know that losing your menstrual cup is impossible, no matter how stubborn it is being when trying to pull it out. You will eventually be able to get it out. Here are some helpful tips to do that.

        1. Begin by squeezing the base or pressing the rim to let some air past it. This will help to release the suction.

        2. If you don't feel it, try exploring what's going on by washing your hands and inserting one or two fingers inside your vagina to locate your cup. It could be suctioned onto your cervix or at an odd angle.

        3. You can even try different positions, like squatting, laying on your back with your knees toward your chest (Happy Baby pose), or hitching a leg up on the toilet or the side of the tub.

        4. If you're still struggling, don't worry; take a break and do something that relaxes you. It's okay to give yourself a timeout and take a bath or use a cold compress (don't use ice) if you feel swollen.

        5. Breaking the suction is usually why it is stuck, so run your finger up to the rim and press inwards to allow air between the cup's perimeter and the surface it has suctioned onto. Then, pull it out gently.

        6. If you cannot get it, you can have a partner try and help you.

        7. If you can't quite reach it, or it's just not budging, you can always call a doctor for backup. They're pros at this kind of thing and will have it out in no time.

        Proper Hygiene With A Menstrual Cup

        Don't let your menstrual products overstay their welcome. Most menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours. You can wear it all day or even overnight without worrying about it. Just make sure to empty and rinse it regularly. Keeping it in longer can also increase the risk of infection and toxic shock syndrome (TSS).

          How To Rinse Your Cup In Between Uses

          Thoroughly rinse the cup with water and ensure the air holes are clear by filling the cup, placing your hand over the opening to create a seal, turning the cup upside down, and squeezing the trapped water out of the holes.

          Some people prefer to use menstrual cup wash or soap every time they remove their cup, but you can use only water to rinse. Make sure that using a menstrual cup wash is pH friendly for your vagina if you are not rinsing it off before re-insertion.

          Tips For Using Menstrual Cups In Public Bathrooms

          Using Wipes

          You can use bathroom wipes to wipe down your cup, but do not flush them as they are not flushable despite many manufacturers claiming they are safe to flush.

          Do not use antibacterial wipes, as these are likely to upset the delicate balance of your vagina and cause more harm than good.


          You can use a water bottle to rinse your menstrual cup or a collapsible cup. A collapsible cup, water pouch, or bag-like water holder that is foldable, collapsable, or flat may be a great option to keep in your purse.

          Cups or water bags can be filled before entering the bathroom stall, and rinse your menstrual cup after removing it. The water will also help you insert your period cup more easily.

          If putting a wet water cup back into your purse, you may want to keep a hand towel in your purse to place it into so it can breathe, as putting it in a plastic bag could cause bacteria to form. Make sure to clean it with soap and water when you can.

          If you do not have water, forgo rinsing it. You can remove your cup, empty it, and put it back in, as residual blood shouldn't cause any issues if you do this once in a while.

          Do not use urine to rinse a menstrual cup and insert it into your vagina. It can cause itching, burning, irritation, infections and interrupt a healthy vaginal pH level.

          How To Clean Your Menstrual Cup

          Maintaining proper hygiene is an integral part of ensuring that you remain healthy. Ensure you sanitize your menstrual cup after every period to eliminate bacteria, mold, fungi, and viruses. By caring for yourself this way, you're making a positive step toward a healthier you.

          If you have had a vaginal infection, such as a yeast infection (thrush) or Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), it is vital that you sanitize your menstrual cup before using it for your next cycle to avoid reinfection. 

          Don't use any of the following to clean your silicone menstrual cup: alcohol, antibacterial soap, baking soda, bleach, dishwashing liquid, hydrogen peroxide, oil-based soap, or scented soap.

          boiling cleaning menstrual cups

          Cleaning Tips

          1. If your cup is silicone, boil it in water for 5-10 minutes. Don't go longer than 10 minutes.

          2. During your period, you can simply wash your cup with soap and water in between uses. And remember to empty it regularly. Your cup should be emptied at least twice a day.

          3. Once your period is over, boil your cup before tucking it away in a cool, dry place. And just like that, you're all set for next month!

          Remember, taking care of your menstrual cup is an act of self-care. It may not be as glamorous as a bubble bath, but it's just as important for your mental and physical well-being.

          Why Do Menstrual Cups Have Air Holes?

          Menstrual cups have tiny air holes that play an important role in maintaining a secure and comfortable fit. By allowing air to flow into the cup, these holes create a gentle suction to keep the cup in place and prevent leaks.

          They also serve as a safety feature, allowing for the release of any trapped air and preventing any potential vacuum seal from forming, which would cause discomfort and broken blood vessels.

          When your cup fills with blood and reaches the air holes on your menstrual cup's rim, it can cause spotting. You can prevent your cup from overflowing by choosing the right size and emptying your cup at regular intervals.

          Can Plus-Size People Use Menstrual Cups?

          While some may assume that plus-size individuals can't use menstrual cups, many are proving otherwise. It depends on your flexibility, mobility, and how much weight you carry regarding accessing your genitals.

          Plus Size Tips

          If you are plus-sized, you may still be able to use a period cup. Here are some helpful tips:

          • Lift and sweep your tummy to the side while inserting it as you sit on the toilet or while you place your leg on the toilet or bathtub, and bring your shoulder as far forward as it will go and insert.
          • If you are having trouble reaching the stem or base of the cup, bear down a little bit to push it lower, grab the stem or base, and then pull gently. Once you have a grip, break the seal and remove the cup.

          If you have to bear down hard, you may not wish to use a cup as it can cause a vaginal prolapse and weaken pelvic floor muscles.

          Disabilities & Menstrual Cups

          For people with certain disabilities, menstrual cup use can present an extra challenge. Limited mobility can make reaching inside and breaking the cup's seal to pull it out difficult.

          In addition, conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and fibromyalgia can cause joint pain, tremors, and soreness around the vagina, which may make using a period cup uncomfortable as well.

          Conditions such as Parkinson's disease, arthritis, or cerebral palsy that cause tremors, shaking, and cramping can make it difficult to hold a period cup while folded and insert it properly.

          Some period cups have more extended pull tabs that may be helpful for those with mobility issues and disabilities and those who are plus-sized. An example of a brand that has a longer tab is called Flex Cup.

          Pelvic Floor Prolapse Risks

          Pelvic floor prolapse is a condition that occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and tissue weakens. This can cause the bladder, uterus, urethra, or rectum to drop into the vaginal canal.

          While pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle changes often improve symptoms, it is essential to understand the risks associated with consistently bearing down and pushing to get a menstrual cup out.

          You should not have to bear down and push to get a period up out; rather, assuming positions like a deep squat or Happy Baby pose is advisable to prevent having to bear down. If bearing down is necessary to get one out occasionally, do it lightly to reduce pressure on the pelvic floor muscles.

          Can I use a menstrual cup with a prolapse?

          While a menstrual cup is generally safe for those with a prolapse, using a longer cup or one with a long pull tab if you struggle with removal is advisable to avoid pushing and bearing down.

          Can Menstrual Cups Help You Get Pregnant?

          Using menstrual cups to get pregnant has gained popularity in recent years and is causing people trying to get pregnant (TTC) to call them sperm cups as they prevent sperm backflow in the vagina. Using them is often seen as a natural alternative to other fertility aids, such as hormonal medications or invasive medical procedures.

          Both heterosexual and lesbian couples have been using menstrual discs off-label for this purpose for years. While there is not much data to show that it’s more effective, there is also no data to show harm and plenty of personal success stories.

          Sperm can survive for up to three days, and the longer the sperm remains in the cervix and at the entrance of the uterus, the greater its chances of successfully swimming up to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg when TTC. 

          Remember to only keep a menstrual cup in place for 12 hours, as keeping the cup in beyond that period of time could alter the vaginal pH, which can lead to yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV).

          Tracking ovulation while using a sperm cup may increase your chances of getting pregnant by inserting it after sex or insemination to hold the semen inside. Menstrual cup companies are catching on to this trend by marketing their products specifically as fertility aids for those TTC.

          A sperm cup may keep the sperm closer to the cervix, which is the optimal location for fertilization. Some experts recommend using the menstrual cup to complement other fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI), to help increase the chances of success in these procedures.

          If you're trying to conceive, it's best to have intercourse during your fertile window, which is typically around the time of ovulation. You can track your ovulation using methods such as ovulation predictor kits, tracking basal body temperature, or monitoring changes in cervical mucus.

          Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, and managing stress levels is also essential. If you use a lubricant, make sure they are pregnancy safe lubricants.

          If you have any concerns or questions about trying to conceive, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.

          Menstrual Cups FAQs

          When Should You Replace A Menstrual Cup?

          Menstrual cups can last for several years. We recommend replacing your period cup every 1-2 years. You should definitely replace yours if it has any tears or holes or isn't in good condition.

          Can I Use A Menstrual Cup If I Have A Tilted Uterus Or Cervix?

          If you have a tilted uterus and cervix, it may be beneficial to position the cup slightly lower than you would otherwise. This allows the cup to sit comfortably and securely in the vaginal canal below the cervix, where it can effectively catch your period flow.

          It may also affect the size, style, and insertion technique that are most comfortable for you. Softer period cups are better for those who have a tilted uterus and cervix.

          Can I Use A Menstrual Cup If I Have A High Cervix?

          If you can barely reach (or cannot reach) your cervix, you likely have what is deemed a high cervix. A high cervix is one that is 55mm (2.25″) or higher. You may need a longer menstrual cup.

          Do Menstrual Cups Weaken Pelvic Floor?

          Menstrual cups do not generate enough suction or downward force to cause the kind of damage or weakening required for pelvic organ prolapse to occur.

          Can Menstrual Cups Cause Pain?

          If your period cup is inserted incorrectly, such as at the wrong angle, you may feel pelvic pain. You may also experience it if you are using a very firm cup. In this case, you may wish to switch to a softer cup.

          Furthermore, they can cause vaginal irritation if not appropriately cleaned or inserted without lubrication. If you use one that causes sensitivity or is allergic, it may not suit you.

          Can I Use A Period Cup If I Have Never Had Sex?

          Despite common misconceptions about virginity, using a menstrual cup will not harm your hymen. Smaller period cup options are available to suit your needs and comfort level. So don't be afraid to explore this option and take control of your menstrual health with confidence and ease.

          Can I Use A Menstrual Cup If I Have An IUD?

          An IUD is a small birth control device shaped like a "T." There are two types: Progestasert or Copper IUD (Intrauterine Device). Using a menstrual cup while an IUD is inserted can be risky. Due to the recommended removal and emptying of the cup every 10 to 12 hours, there is a potential for the string of the IUD to become entangled with the cup during insertion or removal, leading to the unintended displacement of the IUD. Pads, tampons, and body-safe period underwear are viable alternatives for comfort and protection.

          Can A Menstrual Cup Help With Cramps?

          Many people who have switched from traditional pads and tampons to menstrual cups report feeling more comfortable during their period. This is because menstrual cups tend to be gentler on the delicate vaginal tissue and don't cause dryness, a common complaint associated with tampon use.

          Additionally, some anecdotal reports have shown people experiencing fewer and less painful menstrual cramps when using a menstrual cup. This may be due to the gentle pressure that the cup exerts on the uterine muscles responsible for premenstrual cramps. Menstrual cups may reduce the intensity of cramps by not allowing the muscles to contract as much.

          Can You Swim With A Menstrual Cup?

          You absolutely can! Menstrual cups are designed to be worn internally like tampons, which means they are perfectly safe to use in any water, whether in a swimming pool or the ocean. Many women find that menstrual cups are more comfortable and convenient for swimming than other menstrual products, as they don't absorb water.

          Should A Menstrual Cup Stem Stick Out?

          Period cup stems should not stick out of your vagina. Menstrual cups should be worn low in the vaginal canal, with the whole menstrual cup, including the stem, inside your vagina.

          Why Does My Menstrual Cup Hurt When Sitting?

          Your menstrual cup may be too large or long for your unique anatomy. This can lead to cramping, pressure, or discomfort in the vaginal area.

          How Much Do Menstrual Cups Cost?

          A menstrual cup costs between $20–$40 and lasts six months to 10 years. This can add significant financial savings depending on which brand of cup you buy. Think of all the money you'll save on tampons and pads!

          Explore Menstrual Cups

          Not all menstrual cups are created equal, and choosing a cup that is effective, reliable, and safe for your body is essential. Our menstrual cups have been carefully selected based on various factors, including their material composition, ease of use, and overall effectiveness.

          They are made from high-quality, medical-grade silicone and are body safe, easy to clean, and reuse, making them a more cost-effective and eco-friendly choice.

          Explore Our Recommended Menstrual Cup Selection

          Also See Our How To Reduce Menstrual Pain With A Vibrator Guide

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