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Qvin's Q-Pad: Diabetes Blood Testing Through Menstrual Pads

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

What Is A Q-Pad?
The biotech firm Qvin has something innovative for those with a menstrual cycle—introducing the Q-Pad. This product has gotten the green light from the FDA and is a non-invasive, easy-to-use, and wallet-friendly way to monitor one's health through menstrual blood.
If you hate those pinchy blood tests and your wallet can afford it at just $49, the Q-Pad collects blood during your period and can be mailed to a lab to be tested. The results come right to your phone through the Qvin app with a complete health report – from checking if you're anemic to understanding your thyroid, even spotting signs of endometriosis or the onset of perimenopause.
How Does The Q-Pad Work?
Imagine this: a simple, convenient way to keep tabs on pre-diabetes and diabetes or monitor other health conditions right from the comfort of your home. It can detect the A1C biomarker, making understanding and managing diabetes easier.
Now, as we're seeing more and more people worldwide grappling with diabetes, the Q-pad has everything you need to do the test, including pre-paid packaging to send your samples off to the lab. Within just 5-10 days, you get your results reviewed by board-certified physicians.
Operating primarily online, the service requires just a smartphone with internet access for viewing lab reports. By making health monitoring during menstruation easier it may be an empowering option.
In Closing
The Q-Pad by Qvin represents a bit of a leap in the world of personal health monitoring through blood testing. Whether you're tracking pre-diabetes or keeping an eye on reproductive health, the Q-Pad could change how people are better able to monitor their health.