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A New Dawn in HIV Treatment: The Groundbreaking AIDS Cure

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert
Did We Just Find A Cure For AIDS?
If you lived through the '80s like I did, you might recall the horrible shadow that HIV/AIDS cast over the decade. It was a period marked by fear and uncertainty along with many failures, including terrible health policies and bigotry against LGBTQ+ people, all laden with misinformation and mystery.
Fast forward to today, and there's FINALLY a shimmer of hope! According to a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, dated February 15, 2024, a patient has been living without HIV for five years following a revolutionary new treatment. This patient isn't alone; there are a few others worldwide who have undergone a similar procedure.
How Does This Cure For AIDS Work?
So, what's the secret? It turns out, these patients, who were battling cancer, received stem cell transplants from donors carrying a specific genetic mutation in the CCR5 receptor in their immune systems.
This mutation, which astonishingly doesn't affect the receptor's function, makes them resistant to HIV since the virus uses this receptor to enter cells.
Right Now It's EXPENSIVE!
The idea of using a stem cell transplant to cure a disease might sound extreme, but it's not so far-fetched anymore. Sure, the cost is high, but there's a concerted effort to make it more affordable.
It's Exciting!
This development isn't just exciting; it's monumental. I never imagined that a cure for HIV might be within reach in my lifetime, but now there seems to be a tangible path to it, and I am so excited to share this with you!