Trusted for 25+ Years
Clone A Willy Kits

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert
Clone A Willy & Clone A Pussy Kits
Clone A Willy and Clone A Pussy kits work well and make exact replicas of the genitals, provided that customers follow the instructions to the letter. We cannot stress this enough. You have to ensure that the instructions are followed exactly as outlined, or the mold will not work. The only negative reviews we have seen are from other websites that simply sell these products and do not take the time to educate their customers about how the kits work. Please make full use of all of the great resources we provide to help you make the perfect and exact replica of your penis or vulva.
Warning: Always make sure to buy these kits from an authorized dealer or you can end up with a knock-off that is not safe for your skin.
Shop authentic Clone A Willy and Clone A Pussy Kits now, or learn more about them below.
Make Your Own Dildo Kits Vs. Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits
Yes, the Clone A Willy Kits Plus Balls were formerly called Make Your Own Dildo Kits. They are the same product, just the packaging and name changed to better compliment the Clone A Willy kits that do not come with molding materials and mold the testicles. So now, the kits all have clone names: Clone A Willy Kits, Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits, and Clone A Pussy Kits. There are varieties of colors and types within each molding category from which to choose.
Are Clone Kits Nontoxic & Safe?
The casting material used in the kits is highly specialized, platinum cured silicone that is much safer than many sex toys currently on the market due to its stability when cured. See our Toxic Sex Toys Guide for more information on this. It resists breakdown even when exposed to water-based or petroleum-based lubricants, heat, cold, or other extremes. While your Clone A Willy, Clone A Willy Plus Balls, or Clone A Pussy kit is drying, you may experience a slight off-gassing (smell) until it reaches its full, cured properties.
The only material that comes in contact with your skin during the Clone A Willy molding process is a seaweed-based molding material commonly used by dentists to produce detailed impressions of teeth. The molding material IS NOT plaster of paris, which carries health hazards. Plaster is typically exothermic (heat releasing), which can potentially cause burns and not be nearly as efficient for molding.
Alginates, which are used in these kits, are natural polymers derived from the cell walls of brown seaweeds, the same stuff you see floating in the ocean. It is completely safe and even edible; many food manufacturers use it as filler materials in their cheaper brand ice creams and hamburgers.
Are There Allergy Concerns?
The manufacturer has said this of their product:
"The material that comes into contact with the skin is a seaweed-based powder that is commonly used as a food additive. It should pose no health or allergy concerns whatsoever."
How Does A Clone Kit Work?
The first step is to create a "negative" mold of your entire penis (and balls if using the Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kit) with the enclosed molding material and specifically designed container. You then fill that mold with a specially formulated 'liquid silicone designed to look just like real skin. Let it cure to reveal your very own professional-grade dildo of yourself.
What Are The Differences In The Kits?
Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits = Double Kits with Testicles
Each complete Clone A Willy Plus Balls kit contains two mold applications so that you will have TWO opportunities to make a mold of your penis. There is enough silicone for one dildo.
Clone A Pussy Kits
There are two types of Clone A Pussy Kits; there is the standard Clone A Pussy kit and the Clone-A-Pussy Plus+ Sleeve kit. The standard kit is a mold of the labia, while the Clone-A-Pussy Plus+ Sleeve kit is a mold of the labia that attaches to a sleeve and is open for penetration.
The Clone-A-Pussy Plus+ Sleeve kit is made with different, softer 100% platinum-cured silicone that is different than the Clone-A-Willy kits because it is used for the penis and not for vaginal and rectal penetration. Thus, the softer silicone is better for use with a penis for penetration in this kit. We do not recommend the Clone-A-Willy silicone refills for the Clone-A-Pussy Plus+ Sleeve kit because it is a firmer silicone.
Can You Mold The Inside Of A Woman's Vagina?
You can only make a mold of a woman's vulva. There is no safe way to make a mold of the internal mucous membrane that lines the vaginal or rectal walls. Even porn star sex toys are not the inside of their vagina. It is only the outside of the vulva.
No company makes such a product, and we strongly urge you not to try something like that on your own, or you may very well end up in an emergency room or experience serious health issues. It is perfectly safe to use the Clone A Pussy kit as instructed, and those kits have made thousands of successful molds using nontoxic materials for many happy women.
General Concerns
The majority of customers get a perfect mold with no problem. However, when customers do have problems, it tends to be that they perceive that the molding powder is gelling too fast. We've found that if we tell people to insert it earlier, they have to leave it longer and risk losing their erection. The way the molding powder is formulated, it's a physical and chemical impossibility for the powder to gel more quickly than what the manufacturer indicates.
It has always been found to be a user error and is determined to be that the water & powder ratios are off or that the water temperature is not accurate. It is essential to allow adequate time for your thermometer to get a precise reading. The manufacturer has recommended more time; you can try cooler water (as cool as 60 Degrees F). Thousands of trials have been performed on the Molding Powder contained in the kits, and gel time for the Clone A Willy Kits is consistently over 2 minutes, and for Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits, consistently over 3.5 mins. Water hardness (general & carbonate hardness) will not affect gel time or ambient pressure (altitude).
Why are the Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits tubes not filled to the top when adding all the molding material?
It's not supposed to be full. Your penis and scrotum (testicles) should displace some of the gel, thus, filling the tube & partially filling the scrotum container. Squeezing the tube should fill the remainder of the scrotum container.
My molding powder gelled too quickly; what did I do wrong?
It may be that the ratios were not measured correctly. That is VERY important. When measuring out the powder, do not shake or tap the tube to even it out, as the powder will compress and throw off the ratios. The powder should be poured light and fluffy. If properly mixed, there should be precise enough molding powder for two attempts for the Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits (one attempt for the Clone A Willy and Clone A Pussy).
What are the differences in preparation between the Clone A Willy & Clone A Pussy Plus Balls Kits?
Clone A Willy Kits use 98-degree water and require 2 minutes of setting time before it begins gelling. Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kits use 75-degree water and require 3.5 minutes of work time. The reason is, the CAW Plus Balls Kits are better designed for someone attempting this alone. A guy will have time to mix the molding gel, pour it into the tube, and still have 1.5 minutes to get an erection before he needs to put it in. With Clone A Willy, you have to insert right away, and it works better if a partner can mix & pour.
How do I extend the life of my penis mold for future castings?
Your mold can yield 4-5 casts if taken care of properly. To extend the life of your mold, fill it with water and leave it at room temperature (out of the sun). Always be careful when removing a casted dildo from breaking or cracking the mold.
Does pubic hair matter?
If the directions are followed correctly, you can make a kit with or without pubic hair. However, some customers had said that when they went past the recommended time in the directions, some of the mixtures dried in their pubic hair, and they found it difficult to get out.
What happens if my dildo turns out sticky?
The most likely reason for stickiness is incorrect silicone ratios. The ideal mixture is 50% clear and 50% dark liquid by WEIGHT. Too much clear liquid will typically cause stickiness, whereas too much-colored liquid will usually make your dildo a bit harder, but it won't make it sticky.
What happens if there are air bubbles in my dildo?
Pits or bumps on your dildo are typically the results of too much water in the mold. This can be resolved by letting the mold dry for 24 hours before filling it with your liquid silicone mixture.
What if my penis is too big to fit in the molding tube?
The molding tube will accommodate about 7.5 inches circumference in girth and 11 inches in length. If you do not fit, you are certainly unique! If your penis is over 9 inches, you can purchase a larger vibrator (Clone A Willy Kits) to displace more silicone and molding powder. Most larger penises can be replicated using the extra-large vibrator (for Clone A Willy Kits), displacing more liquid silicone. But you will also need to include a couple of extra steps.
- Step one is to find a new container. You will need something large enough to fit comfortably without touching the sides but not so big that you need an exorbitant amount of molding powder to fill. For example, some people have found that empty soda bottles work well since they come in various sizes. You will need to try the new tube to confirm that it fits before mixing the powder.
- In step two, you will also need extra molding powder to fill the larger container; one extra bag will most likely be enough (depending on the bottle you are using). Step three, you will also need the XL-sized vibrator, which displaces more of the liquid silicone, providing a more realistic size.
How big of a penis can be made with the kits?
Most penis sizes can be molded. The Clone A Willy kit is designed to make a perfect copy of a man's penis. Straight or crooked, long or short, thick or thin, the kit will perfectly copy most anyone; however, if you are very large, let us know as we can have a special kit put together just for you!
- Clone A Willy Size - 11" length x 2.5" diameter
(2.5" is the size of the tube)
- Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kit Size- 9" length x 2.5" diameter
(2.5" is the size of the tube)
Why size isn't often an issue in the Clone A Willy
The Clone A Willy comes in an 11 x 2.5-inch clear plastic tube where the man will insert his penis. Unless you have a 12-inch penis that's more than 2.5 inches in diameter, you should not need a larger kit.
Can I use penis rings with the kit?
Using penis rings is a good idea. We highly recommend using a thin one to not interfere with making the mold of your penis.
If I do not want to use the vibrator in the Clone, A Willy Kit, do I need extra silicone?
If you get the Clone A Willy Plus Balls Kit, you do not need extra silicone with or without the vibrator. Still, if you get the Clone A Willy kit and do not use the vibrator, then you will need extra silicone to offset the missing vibrator as it is much larger (a shaft rather than a bullet).
Can I change the color of the dildo?
YES. You will be provided with flesh or bright colored paint in your kit that mixes with the silicone, but some of our customers like to be a little more creative and want to know about the use of other colors. According to the manufacturer, you can add different colors before pouring in the liquid silicone; simply mix in a tiny dab of any oil-based color. We do not recommend using these sexually if you add paint, rather just keeping them for visual appreciation or using a condom over them as we do not know the safety of the paint for use inside a mucous membrane such as the vagina or rectum.
A small amount will completely change the color, giving you unlimited color options. You can even make your dildo multiple colors. Winsor & Newton oil-based paint works well and is available at many of your local art stores. You can go to the Winsor & Newton site to find a location near you. A tube is approximately $4, and we have heard from customers who use purple that it adds a blood-engorged penis look. When using paint, you only want to use a dab, and while an oil-based paint should be safe, please note there are no studies to show that it is safe to use in a dildo at this time, and thus you should proceed with adding paint or anything else at your own risk. Once cured, the silicone compound should safely encompass the oil color, but we still recommend using a condom for internal use when using anything other than just the kits as they come.
Can I mold other body parts such as a breast, vagina, anus, or my whole body?
That is a commonly asked question. Generally, the answer is no, but we may consider providing materials for such endeavors upon special request. An entire body molding kit will cost about $5,000.00 or more, and just for breasts or the anus, it is a few hundred dollars which will depend on size. If you are interested in a quote, we can provide you with one. If it is for breasts, please include your bra size, and if it is for other body parts, please send measurements.
Making a silicone mold of your entire body is not too difficult, but it is costly and requires an appropriate molding vessel to do it. A large bathtub can work, but a 55-gallon drum works better. We do not recommend molding the head with the body or closing off air passageways for breathing. Anus and breast molds are possible but require a lot of extra molding materials, and because demand is low, we do not offer those kits at this time.
As for vagina molds, only the vulva is safe to mold, and that is why we offer the Clone A Pussy Kits, but it is not safe to use molding materials inside the vagina, and that is why no one should sell them. For more information, you will need to contact us.
What if my penis is crooked?
No Problem. The directions contain a simple additional step to accommodate any curve.
How much detail can I expect from my replica?
Your Clone A Willy or Make Your Own Kit replica will be incredibly detailed. All tiny lines and bumps will reproduce perfectly.
What if it does not mold the way I want it?
Although you probably won't need it, each penis (make a dildo) kit comes with enough molding material for two attempts (except the Clone A Willy single application kits as noted above, which can be purchased with an added plaster kit). According to the manufacturer, each mold can be used to make up to 5 dildos (additional liquid silicone is necessary to make more than one finished dildo).
Can I mold my penis fully erect?
Yes. Almost everyone wants a mold of their penis erect. The easy-to-follow directions allow you to mix the molding material and then relax for a few minutes before making the mold. You can ensure you're fully 'ready' during these few minutes.
Can I mold my penis when it is flaccid?
Yes. Follow the instructions as usual, and just use caution when removing your penis gently so as not to pull your skin and damage the mold.
What if I have genital piercings?
The manufacturer recommends removing piercings before making the mold. Mainly if the jewelry is large or has a hoop design, it can become stuck in the mold and create distortions in the finished replica (not to mention that it might be uncomfortable to remove from the mold). The mold usually replicates the hole left by the piercing with enough detail to add jewelry to the finished dildo. We also recommend cleaning the area around the piercing before and after making the mold.
To put piercings into the mold, you may wish to use a small drill bit the same size as the piercing. You can also use a stainless steel nail or needle. Make sure to use safety measures to avoid puncturing yourself in the process. Ensure to clean the tool you use first and clean the dildo before and after the piercing procedure. It would also be advisable to remove the jewelry after each use and clean inside the hole.
While making the mold, will I have to wait until my penis gets 'soft' again before removing it?
No. The impression-forming gel is extremely flexible, allowing you to pull out your penis immediately without affecting your mold.
Can I make a mold of another dildo?
Yes. The biggest issue when replicating a dildo is size. Since dildos can be considerably larger than most human penises, it is essential to ensure enough material. You may need extra molding powder, liquid silicone, or even a different molding container that fits the dildo like a soda bottle. Since the dildo won't lose its shape (unlike its live counterpart), timing isn't as important when making the mold, and the manufacturer (Empire Labs) recommends lowering the water temperature to 80-85 degrees. This will provide extra time to get the model situated in the molding gel.
What's the difference between the Clone A Willy Plus Balls standard and the vibrating kit?
The vibrating Clone, A Willy Plus Balls Kit, comes with a tiny, high-powered vibrator that you simply drop into the silicone before it cures. It adds a whole new dimension to your dildo.
Is the Clone A Willy Plus Balls or a Clone A Willy Kits Harness Compatible?
You can make the Clone A Willy kit Vac-U-Lock compatible by removing the vibrator from the finished replica. It will be stubborn, but once it's finally released, the cavity left in its place is almost exactly the size of the Vac-U-Lock plug. It obviously won't vibrate, but you will have a harness-ready replica.
With the Clone A Willy Plus Balls kit, you can simply insert the Vac-U-Lock plug into the liquid silicone while it is still in a liquid state and allow the silicone to cure around it (just make sure you don't want to use that particular plug again since this will be a permanent alteration). The Vac-U-Lock plug should allow your dildo to work with an O-ring style harness in addition to Vac-U-Lock harnesses.
Is it possible to have a Clone A Willy Plus Balls or a Clone A Willy Kit with a Suction Cup Base?
You can also make the Clone A Willy kit with a suction cup base. Remove the vibrator after making your mold and insert the Vac-U-Lock suction cup plug. It will no longer vibrate, but you will have a dildo with a suction cup bottom. The vibrator and the vac-u-lock plug are about the same size, so you can interchange them once the mold is set. You may have to wiggle them out, and you should start with the vibrator.
You can also do this with a Vac-U-Lock Handle for added control. To add a suction cup bottom to the Clone A Willy Plus Balls kit, simply insert the Vac-U-Lock suction cup plug into the liquid silicone while it is still in a liquid state and allow the silicone to cure around it (just make sure you don't want to use that particular plug again since this will be a permanent alteration).
In Closing
These Clone A Willy and Clone A Pussy kits are very realistic, safe to use, and we have sold them for as long as we have sold sex toys. The ones we sell on our site are the only brand we trust and recommend. Let us know if you have any questions, as we are happy to help.