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How Is Sex Good For You?

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Health Benefits of Sex & Masturbation
Sex can improve your physical health, including your mental health. Just the feeling of someone positively touching your skin provides psychological and physical benefits that are very powerful for overall stability and functioning. Human physical intimacy has long been crucial in our well-being, including childhood development.
Touch lowers the three stress hormones of adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine, which is a very beneficial release for both physical and mental functioning. It allows your muscles and heart rate to relax and your blood pressure to go down. This helps to improves your immune system and overall functioning.
Hugging has been shown to increase oxytocin, a bonding hormone that makes us feel more secure lowers cortisol, and reduces stress. A study showed that those who received more hugs had higher oxytocin levels and lower blood pressure and heart rates. Even something as simple as holding hands is beneficial.
Studies have also shown that holding hands with someone you care about lowers cortisol levels and positively impacts the part of your brain that registers pain and decreases feelings of discomfort physically and emotionally. In addition, those who experience simple skin-to-skin contact regularly have been shown to have substantially more white blood cells (which includes natural killer cells that help the body fight viruses and other pathogens).
These studies mentioned above do not even begin to address the sexual release benefits, rather just the touching of your skin. Now that we have covered basic touching, let's explore other ways that sexual stimulation benefits our health:
Reduce Headaches
Sexual activity can provide relief from migraines and cluster headaches.
Improves Health Of The Genitals
It may protect against endometriosis (growing of tissue outside the uterus) for women. It can also improve fertility, produce more vaginal lubrication, and build stronger pelvic muscles. Because it can improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles, it can improve bladder control and thus reduce incontinence.
Relieves Menstrual Cramps
Having vaginal penetration can relieve menstrual and premenstrual cramps. Orgasms can also aid in reducing menstrual pain. For more information, please see our How To Reduce Menstrual Pain With A Vibrator Guide.
Reduces The Chances Of Vaginal Atrophy
Sexually active women, especially after menopause, are less likely to have vaginal atrophy or the thinning of vaginal walls. For more information, see our Painful Vaginal Sex Guide.
Increases Mental & Emotional Wellbeing
Being sexually active can increase trust, intimacy, and mental health.
Sex Helps Keep You In Shape
Sex is a form of aerobic exercise; it can work out all the major muscle groups. Sex burns calories, however, it will be based on how long it lasts, how much exertion you are doing during that time, and how often you do it. One recent study indicated that for every minute you have sex, you burn an average of 3.5 calories.
Sex Makes You Look Younger
Sex pumps higher levels of oxygen throughout your body, which helps boost nutrients to the skin's surface. One study found that those who had sex and were comfortable with their sexuality and sexual identity looked seven to twelve years younger.
Sex Gives You Increased Energy
Because sex increases blood flow to the organs, it saturates your cells and muscles with oxygen and hormones that can give you added energy in general.
Sex Reduces Cholesterol
Sex helps to accentuate your healthier HDL (good cholesterol).
Sex Reduces Stress
Sex can enhance your mood as an orgasm releases endorphins, which boosts your mood and leaves you feeling relaxed.
Sex Improves Your Immune System
A study at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, revealed that people who have sex 1-2 times per week had 30 percent more infection-fighting immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva than those who don't.
Masturbation & Sex Health Benefits
Studies have shown that masturbation and sex lowers the risk of depression, improves cardiovascular health, lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes, decreases cancer risks, decreases insomnia, increases pelvic floor strength, enhances mood, improves satisfaction with sex, and helps you last longer and perform better.
In Closing
Now that you know how good it is for you explore how to have great sex solo or with a partner through our Sex Tips Blog.