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Do Women Have Four G-spots?

Dr. Lisa Lawless

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Inside a rose, 4 g-spots

Four G-spots: G-spot, U-spot, C-spot, and A-spot

A book popular in the U.K. called "The Naked Woman," by Desmond Morris, claims that he has 'discovered' four G-spots in women and calls the other three the U-spot, C-spot, A-spot. To learn more about what the G-spot is, where to find it and how to stimulate it make sure to also see our G-spot Guide

Let's review where these areas are:

  • G-Spot: Located 2-3 inches above the opening to the vagina. 
  • A-Spot: The sensitive tissue next to the cervix.
  • C-Spot: High up on the cervix.
  • U-Spot: The urethral opening (where we urinate).
Female Reproductive System

Are These Really New G-Spots?

However, before we go any further, these are not G-spots they are erogenous zones. Scientific research does not agree with the four G-spot theory and the simplest way to explain why this is a myth is to explain what makes it a G-spot. The G-spot is made up of the clitoral structure and the female G-spot glands which may also be known as a clitoral complex. Female prostate glands are similar to what makes up a prostate in a man. When we are conceived, we all start as female with an X chromosome. When a Y chromosome is added, that creates a male, and when an X is added, it makes a female.

Diagram of the Clitoris

Males and females essentially have similar body parts, even though they evolve differently. A man's prostate develops from what once was the female prostate glands in a female. That is why female ejaculation is very similar to prostate fluid in a male.

Does A Man Have Four G-Spots?

Now that you know how a woman is designed, you wouldn't go around saying a man has four prostates, would you? No, so why does the author of "The Naked Woman," Desmond Morris (Zoologist), claim there are four G-spots?

Perhaps Morris may be talking about what most sexually uneducated people think the G-spot is, merely a more sensitive, nerve-rich area that causes pleasure. But even then, we would be talking about the clitoris, G-spot, vaginal opening, and the cervix, and we would call those various erogenous zones, not G-spots. Other than those erogenous zones, the vaginal walls do not have much to offer other than a more muted pleasure level.

G-Spots Or Erogenous Zones?

It would go against the whole biological design for women to have many parts of their vaginal walls be high in nerve endings as 7-10 lb babies come ripping through. It would bring a whole new world of pain. Thus, Morris is not talking about anything new here and having new names for erogenous zones.

Why would Desmond Morris, who is well known for writing scientifically unproven and often personally fabricated concepts, write about four G-spots and naming the other three the U-spot, C-spot, and A-spot? Because he wants to sell books and get attention. Outside of that, there is little to offer regarding accurate assessments of a woman's vaginal sexual pleasure.

Morris seems to be amused by his assumptions and has little need to base it on factual clinical research. Morris spends half a chapter telling us that women do their hair differently to reflect different self-images: short hair means a bold, competent look; long, tangled hair indicates sexy abandon. Based on this ridiculous take on things, one can discern a severe lack of clinical training in sexuality. So, a woman who has short hair may not merely be doing it because it makes grooming easier for her lifestyle, or a woman with long, tangled hair is simply someone who suffers from poor hygiene skills?

The Problem With Self Proclaimed Sexperts

Morris has written other books that make the same offbeat presumptions based on nothing but his observations. For example, Morris wrote a book called "Cat Watching," an observational book about cats. Being that he a zoologist, you would think he would be better with animals, but it appears not. Morris writes that cats think we are their mother or sibling.

Tell me, how is it known that cats regard us as their surrogate parents or siblings? Did a cat tell him that? All the behaviors described as signaling that attitude toward us are behaviors cats display toward other cats and inanimate objects. Is a cat kneading a blanket convinced that the blanket is her mother or only because it provides pleasure and comfort?

Morris might as well tell us that human's like hugs because they resemble the way our mothers cuddled us in infancy, not because physical touch, in general, feels good and releases feel-good chemicals in our body such as oxytocin. Honestly, I think cats let alone other animals are quite clear. We are not cats, let alone their mother.

The bottom line here is that Morris with his four new G-spots that he claims he discovered, should consider a new subject to write about.

To learn more about the vagina, make sure to check out our sexual guide called: Vagina Facts.

Are There Different Types Of Orgasms?

When people refer to a clitoral orgasm, vaginal orgasm, A-spot orgasm, etc. they are referring to the part of the body that had to be stimulated to reach an orgasm. However, the orgasm is always occurring in the clitoris versus in the vagina, anus, or other erogenous zones.

See our guide on Clitoral & Vaginal Orgasm Guide for more information. 

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