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Male Masturbation Tips

Dr. Lisa Lawless

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Banana, Pomegranates, Male Masturbation TipsCreative Masturbation Techniques

There are many ways to pleasure the penis when masturbating. We have put together a few tips for you below using various techniques, and considerations when choosing sex toys (masturbation sleeves and prostate massagers). In addition, we explore products that are ideal for erectile dysfunction (ED), disabilities, and other mobility issues.

Basic Mastrubation Sleeve Options

There are many male masturbators on the market. When choosing a masturbation sleeve, here are features that you may want to consider:

  • Masturbation sleeves that are close-ended create more intense suction and slower movements.

  • Open-ended sleeves allow the user to thrust the penis faster in and out of it.

  • Sleeves that open or stretch open are easier to clean and air dry.

  • Clear sleeves allow you to see your penis moving inside of them.

  • Different openings can provide various visual stimulation as well as snugness.

  • Inside of soft vibrating sleeves, there are also multiple textures from which to choose.

  • Plastic covers containing masturbation sleeves can serve as a protective case, keep lubricant off your hands, and often have a screw-on back that allows you to increase or decrease suction. The downside is that they make cleaning more challenging, and storing them inside the case is not typically a good idea as it can be a good breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and fungi. See how to clean materials like TPE sex toys through our How To Clean Sex Toys.

  • Open-ended masturbation sleeves may allow for ejaculate to come out of the end. If you are using something open-ended, you may wish to have some tissue handy should you need something to catch it. The upside may be keeping ejaculate from contaminating the inside of the sleeve, making cleaning it out easier.

  • TPE and other soft elastomer materials that are often used with sleeves require a light dusting of corn starch powder once they have been cleaned and dried to keep them from sticking to things and collecting lint and dust. 

  • Soft elastomers such as TPE are typically porous and must be cleaned very well, stored in a cool dry place and have a shorter lifespan than silicone. See our Elastomer & Porous Sex Toy Guide for more information.

Large Vs. Small Penis Considerations

If you have a long penis, you may want to get an open-ended masturbation sleeve, or you may tear a hole through the stroker if you get too far into it. For a wider penis, you will want to pay attention to diameter because if there is a fixed diameter with a hard plastic casing around the inner stretchy TPE material then you may not fit inside of it. If it is a rigid silicone material, the same may apply.

If you have a short penis, you may want to ensure that the texture inside a masturbation sleeve begins right away. Some sleeves have the textured surface starting a couple of inches inside the sleeve which would not provide as much stimulation for you if you are only reaching inside a few inches. If you have a narrow penis, the sleeves that have casing around them will not allow you to control the tightness, whereas, without casing, you can use your hand to squeeze tighter around your penis.

Powerful Male Masturbation Sleeves

If you want a hands-free masturbation sleeve, your options are typically those that have suction cup bottoms or use a sex toy pillow mount. However, there is an option many don't consider, which is using a Wand Vibrator with a masturbation attachment. This requires that you enjoy vibration during masturbation, which some men do not. However, this will offer you a few creative options of maximum vibration power and versatility if you do.

Masturbation Sleeve On Wand Vibrator


The Wand Vibrator can be an all-over body massager and be fitted with other attachments for G-spot, clitoral, and prostate stimulation, in addition to being able to have a masturbation sleeve put on it. This makes it exceptionally versatile as a sex toy.

Even Works With Semi-Erection

It is also great for a semi-erect penis and erectile dysfunction (ED) issues because you do not have to be entirely erect to put your penis into the masturbation attachment. Also, see sex toy ideas for erectile dysfunction

Easy To Clean

Because the attachment is removable and you do not have to worry about getting electrical components wet, clean-up is safe and straightforward.

Easy To Hold & Can Be Mounted

The handle of a Wand Vibrator is easy to hold, so it is especially nice for those with mobility issues or chronic pain, such as arthritis. If you want to make this option hands-free, you can slide the handle of the wand in between couch cushions, pillows, or better yet, use a sex toy pillow mount to hold it in place.

This sex toy combination of a Wand Vibrator and masturbation sleeve attachment is one of our most recommended versions of a vibrating masturbation sleeve.

Other Male Vibrators

There are a variety of other male vibrators on the market. Some require full erections, while some require none and are perfect for men with ED. Various types can range from soft TPE sleeves with vibrators to firm silicone vibrators. Explore male vibrators. Sex tech companies have seen an increase in sales of vibrators for men. Many find the sensation of vibration on their penis (particularly around the head and frenulum) incredibly satisfying. Just under half of men have reported having a vibrator at some point, including sex toys such as vibrating male vibrators and penis rings.

Sex Toy Pillow Mounts

These allow for masturbation sleeves to be tucked inside of them, allowing you to position them for comfortable thrusting without needing to have one with a mount or suction cup. See the sex pillow options for making sex play easier with various sex toys.

Suction Cup Masturbators

There are masturbation sleeves and anal toys with suction cups that allow creative placement and stimulation. There are limited masturbation sleeves that have a suction cup base and most are within a high price range. They tend to be heavy and require a flat surface to mount them and some models vibrate.

Prostate Massage

Prostate stimulation is the equivalent of G-spot stimulation and can feel amazing. Using flared-based sex toys specifically designed for prostate massage is a safe and enjoyable way to add to the intensity of masturbating. Prostate massagers have remote controls to make using them easier once they are inserted. To learn more, see our Prostate Massage Guide.

Masturbating With Disabilities

Self-stimulation with mobility issues or disabilities can be challenging. There are a variety of sex toys that make such self-stimulation easier. Make sure to check out our Disabilities & Sex Toy Guide for more helpful information.

Sexual Connection

Men often forget to get in touch with their bodies during masturbation and focus solely on the penis. While it is great to get down to business, sometimes it can be especially good in reducing stress levels to take some time running your hands over your body and connecting with your entire self. Taking time to explore your body is a form of mindful masturbation. For example, using Tantra, the ancient science of sacred sexuality, it is possible to learn to extend your sexual stamina.

  • Start slowly without a goal or plan about what will happen.

  • Concentrate on what you're feeling at each moment and where.

  • As the energy collects strongly in your genitals, slow down, breathe deeply, and relax.

  • Visualize your sexual energy streaming up your body away from your genitals.

  • When the excitement surges intensely, stop all movement and enjoy it. You might feel hot waves of ecstasy all over, you might ejaculate powerfully, or you might just orgasm without ejaculating (dry orgasm).

Using Foods & Hands

Traditional: Using Whole Fist

This is a very common technique in that you wrap your fingers around the shaft of your penis and rub it up and down. It provides lots of contact between your hand and penis. You can reverse grip it from this technique for a different sensation.

Light Fingers

You can use all of your fingers to only two for this technique, with fingers on top of the shaft at a diagonal and your thumb below. Simply running your fingers along the shaft like this can provide a soft and mesmerizing effect.

Blow Job Simulation With Fingers

To simulate the feeling of lips sliding over your penis, lube up your erection and hold the shaft in one hand while you put your dominant hand's index and middle fingers together horizontally, palm toward your face, in front of the head of the penis. Push the head into the gap between the fingers. The fingers should be relaxed, not tense. Now pull back and do this over and over the top third of your penis. Feel how the fingers conform to the penis's contour as they slide over the head and back. As you do this, position your other hand behind the lips that your fingers imitate, grip, and squeeze the head as you push the penis in.

Mattress & Plastic

Get a plastic sandwich baggie, saran wrap, or bubble wrap and put some lubricant in it. Then put your penis in and move it around to make sure your penis is fully lubricated. Once that is done, kneel in front of a bed. Lift the up mattress and put your penis, with the baggie, bubble wrap, etc., still inside it, between the mattress and the box-spring. Start thrusting in and out as if you were having sex. Bonus is the easy clean-up when you're done.

Sock & Condom Method

Get a condom that's too big for your penis, fill the tip with water and water-based lube. Now get your penis wet and slippery and slide on the condom, eliminating any air bubbles. Unroll it all the way, so it has some excess at the end. It should feel super-smooth and should slide without much friction. Get a soft sock, and turn the open part inside out over the toe part. Carefully pull it over your penis while ensuring there's still some slack at the end of the condom. Lie down on your couch, hold the cushions apart with one hand, pull the sock down in with the other, and settle into a lying-down position. If the lubrication is correct, the slightest movement will make your penis slip one way or the other.

Using A Banana Peel

Peel a banana, slip the peel over your penis, and masturbate with it. The banana slime acts as a natural lubricant. You can warm up the peel in the microwave for added sensations. Just be careful not to overheat to avoid burning yourself. Also, you might have better results if you peel the banana by making just one cut in the peel and removing the fruit through the single cut; you can then cut off the end of the banana peel and insert your penis through that end.

Using Soft Fabric

Using a soft piece of fabric or clothing (silk, velvet, satin, etc.) Lie down, and place the cloth over your penis. Then, with both hands, rub the fabric to the left and the right, with the silk touching the sensitive underside of your penis. But don't rub too fast, or you will get the equivalent of carpet burn from the friction. You can enhance the feeling by draping some of the fabric over your scrotum, so it gets stimulated, too.

Using Veggies

Select an eggplant, cucumber, zucchini that is sufficiently larger than your erect penis. Cut a hole in the peel that's the exact size of the base of your erect penis. Then make a hole in the pulp smaller than your erection (using a broom handle works well). Then put the eggplant in the microwave for about a minute, just so it gets warm inside and starts to get a little soft, but don't overheat it to avoid burns. After you make sure with your finger that the inside is cool enough, put in some lube (coconut oil), place the eggplant between a couple of pillows thrust away. You can lie on your back and just move the veggie back and forth on your erect penis. In addition, cantaloupe watermelon are fruits that may work well.

Using Pasta

Cook some noodles in boiling water, pour off the excess water, and let the noodles cool off. Then make a penis-size hole in the pasta, which should be reasonably stuck together at this stage. To avoid burning yourself, the pasta must have cooled enough so you could hold a finger inside it without any problem. You can also use lasagna noodles to wrap around and slide up and down your shaft and head. Add oil or lubricant for a smooth glide.

Endurance Training

Set a timer, alarm clock, or digital watch to go off in 20 minutes, and don't let yourself ejaculate until the timer goes off. You can increase the time if you desire. Waiting will increase the anticipation because the alarm could ring at any second. Try to hover right on the edge so you can orgasm immediately when the alarm rings. It's especially good if the alarm has a fairly long ringing cycle. If it continues to ring as you begin ejaculating, it will heighten the sense of urgency and tension relief.

In Closing

No matter what you choose to pleasure yourself with, masturbation is a healthy and fun way to relieve stress and enjoy your sexual autonomy. Add in pleasurable music, a scented candle, a hot bath to such experiences, and you can nurture yourself in a positive manner that provides sexual release and delights your senses.

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